Stapleton Road Redevelopment Project
City Project - Stapleton Road Redevelopment:
As part of the City of Mount Pearl's long-term vision, Stapleton Road (Old Swimming Pool), civic # 173,175-177A Park Avenue, will be prepared for future housing development. As a part of that process, the city has issued a notice of motion to re-zone the land to support new housing initiatives in line with our Strategic Plan to attract more young families, immigrants, and newcomers to our growing city.
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Want to provide feedback on the project?
The comment period is now closed. Stay tuned for updates on this project by checking back here at a later date.
If you prefer to provide comments or questions using mail or email, e-mail or write to 3 Centennial Street, Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 1G4. Be sure to include the name of the project in your submission.
Questions, comments, and responses submitted become a matter of public record and are compiled in a report for Council review. Any identifying information such as your name will be removed prior to your question or comment being publicly released.
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